The neck is nice and straight so the strings are at a really good height The Wrapped A it seemed to die sooner than the others. Sustain: (5) I like the way that it sings. I think the thicker top is to blame for volume. Volume: (4) With the extra strings it is louder, but still not as loud as many of my other ukuleles. Tom Ferone seems to always be tweaking the different ukuleles in the OS line to make them the best production ukes he can make. Also OS is constantly improving their ukes. The compensated saddle may have something to do with it. The extra 2 strings make it almost lute sounding and give that base note that helps round out the sound without having to have another instrument like a guitar helping to boost the sound or having to have a low G string. Sound Type : Fuller than any 4 string ukulele. I know that having the instruments setup in the USA helps with the end product. Over all it is straight and all the parts that you would want someone to pay attention too are taken care of such as the nut and saddle are really well done and the frets are nice and dressed. One of my big gripes is that the edges are very sharp, not like a knife, but if you play it for an extended period it will leave a crease and become uncomfortable to play. The saddle could use a little work, it seemed kind of rough to the touch. With a basic 3 piece neck with a nice smooth finish it is nice to play. I would give this to any kid and not worry about serious damage. The laminate they use is very thick and makes it a bit heavy but sturdy. The finish is very smooth and there are no glue marks or weird wood patterns that you may find on some other cheaper ukuleles.

The fact that it has 6 strings will make most uke players pick it up above all other aspects.įit and Finish: (4) For the price it is really well made, saying that, it is a tank. The satin does not do much for it either. One of the things that I think shows that it is at least of some quality is the binding on the fret board and the fret markers are actual inlays. I wish they would leave that off, it is really cheesy. It is obvious that it is not an expensive uke since it has a plain white silk screen logo and it says gAlohah at the top. I would almost say that the color is more of a cedar red. First look: (4) The newer laminates from OS seem to be more red than before.