Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act,” dealing with protecting space mining was originally submitted on March 19 to the U.S. space program are investigated in the recent book I nsiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances. McClelland’s and Goode’s testimonies about Nazi and German infiltration of the U.S. McCelland’s testimony supports another whistleblower, Corey Goode, who claims secret agreements had been reached with the Eisenhower administration as a result of flyovers of Washington D.C., by German flying saucers in 1952. Clark McClelland, a veteran space engineer who worked for NASA or its contractors for a total of 34 years, claims he saw Hans Kammler, the same Nazi SS official involved in implementing slave labor practices for highly advanced secret projects in Germany, at the Kennedy Space Center in the early 1960s. corporations have been involved in slave labor practices on Mars and elsewhere, which originated with the policies of Nazi Germany. military industrial complex, a relationship that dates back to the late 1950s. More recently, it has been claimed that these mining operations and associated bases, began as a result of cooperation between German Secret Societies and the U.S. affiliated corporations have been using slave labor on Mars and elsewhere in our solar system. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act” is significant due to recent whistleblower claims that off-world space mining by U.S. companies in future space mining missions, they instead have provided legal protection to corporations that have been secretly conducting such operations for decades. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act may have done so with the impression that they would protect the rights of U.S. While most Congressional members that passed H.R.2262 – U.S. based corporations that establish off-world operations. House of Representatives joined the Senate in passing a bill that provides legal protection for space mining conducted by U.S. US Congress Passes Bill Protecting Slave Labor on Mars & Corporate Space Colonies